Olathe East Student Journalism

Olathe East News

Olathe East Student Journalism

Olathe East News

Olathe East Student Journalism

Olathe East News

Poem of The Week: Cristina Schmidt

Morning Rose

in the haze of the sunrise

a rose floats quietly

tethered to the ground

by a rope of thorns and leaves


petals curl towards the sun

yearning for light and warmth

the sun is its mother

it longs for her loving touch


a symbol of love

it wishes to be loved

to be set free

and join the sun


but the rope is its lifeline

if it is cut free, it dies


at least

in its last moments of life

it provides joy

for its murderer


Submitted by freshman Cristina Schmidt. If you would like your poem to be featured on this website, all you have to do is send an email to [email protected] with your name and grade. If you would like to be anonymous, please make that known in your email! Open to Olathe East students and staff.