Dreaming of Meaning

The Hawk’s Eye analyzes dreams


Esther Rose and Ruby Moley

Lucid dreams, nightmares, recurring dreams: everyone has them, but is there a reason why? Common themes in dreams, once identified and explained, can help in waking life, reducing anxiety and eliminating fears.

Addie Lee, senior, describes a recurring dream where “one time I can’t see, another I can’t yell for help, or I move really slowly, and its different each time, but it’s the same premise.”

Paralysis is a common symbol in dreams- another student, Austin Rios, has a dream where he “couldn’t breathe anymore, and I couldn’t walk, and I couldn’t talk.”

Does paralysis serve a purpose other than to turn dreams into nightmares? According to The Huffington Post, immobilization can mean anything from feeling out of control in waking life to being afraid to do something. Further research shows that death and school, as symbols in dreams, don’t mean what they seem at face value.

What do these dreams mean? Emotional content, in dreams, is processed through imagery– but the things of dreams are not always what they seem. For example, falling in a dream can mean serenity, or letting go; falling can also mean losing control.

“It’s my understanding that dreams are more of a reflection of your emotional status and are sort of your brain’s mechanism for coping with real life stressors and worries,” said school psychologist Abigeal Gaghen. “You can use google or a dream dictionary to determine if they have any real meaning,” she said.

But without remembering dreams, analysis remains impossible. Dream journals: writing dreams down immediately after waking up can call to mind the details of the dream. Dream journaling has the added benefits of better memory and revealing hidden anxieties. According to Caltech University scientists, dream journaling can even enhance problem-solving abilities.

Don’t worry- dream journaling is easy. To start, get a journal, one that’s approachable and easy to spill your thoughts into. Now set your intention to dream, and record these mental creations. Upon waking, record dreams by writing the keywords of what took place, certain people, actions, emotions. Stray away from descriptions since dreams are easily forgotten, but certain details within the dream will come to mind and those can most definitely be noted after major points have been placed. Make a habit of doing this and dream recall will improve.

Dream journaling contains many benefits. From this process, problem solving, overcoming anxiety, and revealing fears within is possible. By analyzing dream meaning, one can gain better spiritual awareness and information about life’s direction. But all in all, dreaming is a fun and healthy way to get more in touch with yourself.