Pokémon GOes To School

Pokémon GOes To School

Ryan Smith, Online Editor

Pokémon GO, released this summer, took the world by storm. The game makes the dream of catching Pokémon in the real world a reality. The app allows “Trainers” to travel around their area in search of Pokémon to add to their Pokédex, PokeStops to replenish their PokéBalls, and Gyms to battle their Pokémon with other “Trainers.”

Students at East were surveyed about Pokémon GO, only to reveal less students than expected for teenagers play this latest and greatest game. Students numbering 176 answered with 90 not playing Pokémon at all. Of the 86 players, 29 fight for Valor, 17 analyze for Mystic, and 18 trust their Pokémons’ Instinct. The players are shown by grade below with non-players to the side.

Sixty-eight students of the 176 polled reported witnessing hate among teams, both verbal and physical. Only eight reports included violence, while the other 60 consisted of verbal fights.

With PokeStops across the world, some players get creative in hunting for virtual items. A Deanna Rose employee reported break-ins on restricted paths when players wanted new items or Pokémon.

Some businesses offer players discounts based on their team. In opposition, others attempt to ban it in order to better the business. Some churches embrace the app while cemeteries find it offensive to be a PokéStop. Users should be careful where they play.

Players beware, some use PokeStops with lures (items used to attract Pokémon) to instead attract players and rob them. Stay alert, Trainers.

Ryan Smith // Online Editor